
Entity Definition

Logical Name : Position
Physical Name : CO_PST

A collection of Jobs that are performed at a particular WorkLocation and is filled by particular Workers.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
PositionID (PK) A unique identifier for a specific Position. This may or may not be controlled by a centralized HR function. ID_PST Identity integer
EmployeeCommissionPlanID (FK) A unique reference number for an employee's commission plan. This may be the employee's payroll number. ID_PLN_EM_CMN Code4 char(4) WorkerCommissionPlan(CO_PLN_EM_CMN)
LocationID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Location. ID_LCN Identity integer WorkLocation(LO_LCN_WRK)
JobID (FK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for a particular Job. ID_JOB Identity integer Job(CO_JOB)
Title Short name describing the Position. NM_TTL Name varchar(40)
Description Short narrative text describing the Position. DE_PST DescriptionShort varchar(255)
FullTimeFlag A flag recording wether or not Workers in this Postion normally work a mandated 37.5 or 40 hours per-week. FL_TM_FL Flag integer
SalaryFlag A flag recording wether or not Workers in this Position are normally paid a Salary or per time period. FL_SLRY Flag integer
OvertimeExemptFlag A flag recording wether or not Workers in this Position are normally exempt from working overtime. FL_EXM_OVR_TM Flag integer
PenalRateFlag A flag recording wether or not Workers in this Position are normally paid a penal rate for working overtime. Sometimes referred to as OvertimeEligibileFlag. FL_RTE_PNL Flag integer
PayPeriodCode A retailer assigned code denoting the normal pay period for Workers in this Position. e.g. Hour, Week, Month, Year CD_PRD_PY Code4 char(4)
PayRate A monetary amount being the normal amount paid per PayPeriod to Workers in this Position. MO_RTE_PY Money decimal(16,5)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
Job defines duties for Position
WorkLocation defines location for Position
WorkerCommissionPlan defines commission for Position
Position is scheduled for PositionWorkSchedule
Position is staffed by WorkerPositionAssignment
Position is subordinate to PositionHierarchy
Position supervises PositionHierarchy

Logical Views containing Position

Logical View
Logical 11100 - Worker - Macro View
Logical 11120 - Worker - Job Definition View
Logical 11130 - Worker - Access Control View
Logical 11130 - Worker - Access Control View